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Ate Em Up Winner vs Clemson

The tail of two teams. One week I scratch my head trying to see some positive and pick someone that stood out, and the next I scratch my head trying to figure out how in the hell I'm going to narrow it down to just one.

Honestly, as great of a game as it was, I knew before the clock hit :00 who I was picking.

I couldn't have been happier for the seniors last week, to go out like that at Williams Brice.

This week, I couldn't be happier for those guys, to again, go out and get this one last monkey off their backs.

This game was such an emotional rollercoaster. It started with Rush coming around the receiver and could have walked in for a pick 6, but instead, it was Rattler a few plays later giving them the pick 6.

Then you blinked and they were up 14-0.

Out of nowhere, Nate Adkins makes one of the most unbelievable catches, and before you knew it, we punched it in and are down 14-7.

Our Defense, who played a great game and I don't believe they're getting the praise they deserve, makes a stop and Clemson rolls the punt out of bounds on the 2 yard line.

People will argue about the next play for years. I don't believe Rattler's knee was down when the ball came out, but like I said live watching the game, "I'd spot them that 2 if that meant we got the 7 afterwards.

No matter my opinion, a safety was called and we were forced to kickoff from the 20.

This actually plays perfect for Clemson and I'm sure their fans are mad (because of the outcome) but it was actually a good call for the situation.

What they weren't expecting though, was that our kicker was going to sprint all the way down the field, make the tackle, and cause a fumble.

You can't out Beamer Ball, Beamer and Lembo.

After the interception in the endzone following the massive 4th down pass to Juju, it just didn't feel like it was going to be our day.

Then they came out in the 2nd half, and we very visibly had an extra pep in our step. We were still running around and celebrating, and they were just kind of, getting up and going to the next play.

We haven't played terrible, but haven't played great, and we were in striking distance.

The whole 2nd half was a back and forth slug feast, but as the clock ran from 11:00 to 10:59 in the 4th quarter, Mitch Jeter approached the 25 yard line and then drilled it right down the middle.

For the first time in years ... South Carolina was leading Clemson.

The last 10:54 seconds was Carolina fans praying the Carolina prayer, "Please don't screw this up!"

Last week was a total team victory, as the whole team dominated from whistle to whistle.

This week was a total team victory, as ...

The Defense played a helluva game. They gave up yards, like we all expected, but they wouldn't be defeated. They took some punches, but they dished them right back.

The Offensive line REFUSED to be bullied, and while Clemson may have the flasher names on D, our guys stood in there and played their hearts out.

Rattler wouldn't let a couple of bad plays bother him and was the leader this team needed.

Nate Adkins had the game and catch of his life.

As the Offense was trying to get rolling, and all throughout the game, Kai Kroger was just dropping every single punt inside the 5. One of the best performances by a punter we've ever had.

I actually said on the Talk Cocky With Me podcast, that I thought the first team to get to 30 would win. Clemson actually did that, so I guess I should have said, the first to 31.

With everything that went on Saturday, 1 guy made an effort play that 95% of guys that play his position would never make 100% of the time.

After that, he walked out onto the field in the 4th quarter and made the kick that snapped the nations longest at home winning streak, snapped the 7 game/8 year run they were on, and put the nail in the coffin for the first time in Carolina history defeating 2 top 10 teams.

When he kicked the ball off on the 20, Mitch Jeter sprinted 50 yards, got low and ... ATE EM UP with the tackle which force the fumble and gave Carolina the ball to make it a 14-16 game. That effect kept us in the game that at that point, ever single momentum play was going/being called against us.

That's why, Mitch Jeter is the Ate Em Up Award Winner against cLemson!

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